What on earth is going on? I'm the devil, protecting my house from a biplane that's tossing swords out? Though strange premises can work if the rest of the game is solid, as was often the case in old-school games of the 1980's.
Pick one graphics style/colour pallette and stick with it. Search for some old computers and their colour palettes, such as the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum or Apple II.
Apart from the strangeness, there are some fundamental issues:
1. You provide no real instructions
2. The house moves about by its own volition, meaning it can collide with swords from the side which I have no hope of stopping.
3. R to retry, not F4, and SPACE/ENTER/ANY KEY to start, not F.
4. Retry should restart the game, not send me to the main menu. The restart screen is actually redundant as it doesn't display a high score or anything.
5. No score counter, giving no reason to play more than once as there's nothing to beat.
6. A mixture of graphic styles. Keep to one, and keep is consistent.
7. Similar to point 5, no levels or upgrades.